List Times

Get a list of available booking start times for a particular day.
The available durations and prices are included under each start time.
If person_id and resource_id are not specified and the service has multiple people or
resources (as specified by the who/what/where config), times that are the same but differ by
person or resource are merged together by default. If booking a particular person or
resource either pass in their IDs in the person_id and resource_id params or pass the
merge_times param as false.
Requested Assets (requested_assets), this parameters describe a list of rules which a time must
satisfy to be considered available.
A Requested asset consists of a

  • company_rule -> can be either default (it will respect the company of the URL), any (it can be any company that provides the service), or Array<CompanyID> one of these companies (which must provide the service).
  • person_rule -> can be either any (any person which provides the service), any_or_none (the user is indifferent as to whether a person is associated to the booking), Array<PersonID> one of these people who provide the service.
  • resource_rule -> same as person_rule: can be either any (any resource which provides the service), any_or_none (the user is indifferent as to whether a resource is associated to the booking), Array<PersonID> one of these resources with which the service can be provided.
    Factors that influence availability include:
  • Service, Person and Resource schedules
  • Bookings and blocked time
  • Company opening hours
  • Max/min advance
  • Min/max consecutive bookings (fixed time service)
  • Durations (flex time service)
  • Travel time (flex time service)
  • Booking time step
Service first customer appointment booking journey
Open Recipe
Fetch Available Appointment Times
Open Recipe

The available durations and prices are included under each start time.

If person_id and resource_id are not specified and the service has multiple people or resources (as specified by the who/what/where config), times that are the same but differ by person or resource are merged together by default. If booking a particular person or resource either pass in their IDs in the person_id and resource_id params or pass the merge_times param as false.

Assets (assets), this parameters describe a list of rules which a time must satisfy to be considered available.

A Requested asset consists of a

company_rule -> can be either default (it will respect the company of the URL), any (it can be any company that provides the service), or Array one of these companies (which must provide the service).
person_rule -> can be either any (any person which provides the service), any_or_none (the user is indifferent as to whether a person is associated to the booking), Array one of these people who provide the service.
resource_rule -> same as person_rule:can be either any (any resource which provides the service), any_or_none (the user is indifferent as to whether a resource is associated to the booking), Array one of these resources with which the service can be provided.

Factors that influence availability include:

  • Service, Person and Resource schedules
  • Bookings and blocked time
  • Company opening hours
  • Max/min advance
  • Min/max consecutive bookings (fixed time service)
  • Durations (flex time service)
  • Travel time (flex time service)
  • Booking time step

Best Practice recommendation

It is best practice to use a single date however if a range of dates is required, it is best practice to limit the date range for this call to a maximum of a 5 day date range to ensure that the API response is received efficiently.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!