Details of an Item Drop

A Purchase Item is a representation of a single line item in a Purchase Order. This represents that price and paid amount of that item and could link to things such as bookings, a booking, a package, a pre-paid booking set or a recurring class

Most commonly this connects to a booking which could be a single booking, or for a class could be multiple, and it has two versions that either show all bookings, or only bookings that have NOT been cancelled.

FieldUsage / DescriptionAdditional Information
property {{}}Get the first booking (most purchase items generally have only 1 booking)
all_bookings {% for booking in item.all_bookings %}Loop around all of the bookings (including cancelled) in the item
bookings {% for booking in item.bookings %}Loop around all of the active bookings in the item (if there are multiple)
company {{}}Link to the company object if they belong to an old style single location
external_purchase {{}}}Get the external purchase if that's what this item is related to
package {{}}Get the package if that's what this item is related to
prepaid_booking {{}}Get the prepaid booking if that's what this item is related to
product {{}}Get the product if that's what this item is related to