Booking/Purchase Filters
Some filters can help you render out information related to a purchase
Filter | Description | Example |
booking_link_total | Renders out the classic booking link for a purchase total | {{ total | booking_link_total }} |
booking_url_total | Renders out the classic booking URL for a waitlist space that has become available | {{ total | booking_url_total }} |
booking_total | Gives a text summary of a booking within a purchase order | {{ total | booking_total: space }} |
cancel_link_total | Renders out the classic cancel link for a purchase total | {{ total | cancel_link_total }} |
custom_text_total | Renders out all of the extra custom configurable text field objects associated with all resources/services/people/companies in the order | {{ total | custom_text_total }} |
full_describe | Attempts to create a pretty description of a purchased item or booking - you must pass in the company settings (see example) | {% assign item_full_describe = item | full_describe: %} |
important_questions_list | Renders out a basic list of questions (for an sms) of only ones marked as 'important.' | {{ total | important_questions_list }} |
phone | Tried to find the best phone numbers for an order | {{ total | phone }} |
payment_status | Gives details of the status of the payment - takes a param that says if this message is for a client or staff | {{ total | payment_status: extra_data.admin}} |
session_pretty_print_duration | Attempts to pretty print the duration of specific occurrences of an event | {% assign sess_pretty_print = slot.session | session_pretty_print_duration: slot %} |
to_currency | Render a value as currency - passing in the total to help know what currency the purchase was made in | {{ item.price | to_currency: total }} |
vouchers_filter | Gives details of any vouchers | {{ total | vouchers_filter }} |
vat_breakdown_total | Give a breakdown of the VAT on a purchase | {{ total | vat_breakdown_total }} |
Updated over 1 year ago