Booking (Space)
Details of the booking
A Booking (sometimes called a 'Space') is a record of a client's appointment or space in a class. It links to to the 'Slot' which is the representation of the time in the Staff or Resources' calendar. It links to the client and to any details of a purchase Order.
It contains details around the clients status, if they've attended, arrived, cancelled etc.
Field | Usage / Description | Additional Information |
id | {{}} | |
attended | {{booking.attended}} | |
answers | {{booking.answers}} | A direct access to the answer to a question by the id of the question |
booked_by | {{booking.booked_by}} | |
booked_by_email | {{booking.booked_by_email}} | |
booking question | {{booking.reference_of_the_question}} | As an example: "What is your favorite color?" {{booking.what_is_your_favorite_color}} }} may output "Red" |
booking_updated | {{booking.booking_updated}} | |
channel | {{}} | The channel by which the booking was made. Values are:- Administrator, Call Centre or Client |
client | {{booking.client}} | |
client_email | {{booking.client_email}} | |
client_id | {{booking.client_id}} | |
client_mobile | {{booking.client_mobile}} | |
client_name | {{booking.client_name}} | |
client_phone | {{booking.client_phone}} | |
company_id | {{booking.company_id}} | |
company_name | {{booking.company_name}} | |
created_at | {{booking.created_at}} | |
cancelled_by | {{booking.cancelled_by}} | |
customer_count | {{booking.customer_count}} | |
cancellation_date | {{booking.cancellation_date}} | |
cancel_reason | {{booking.cancel_reason}} | |
current_multi_status | {{booking.current_multi_status}} | |
datetime | {{booking.datetime}} | |
duration | {{booking.duration}} | |
duration_span | {{booking.duration_span}} | |
end_datetime | {{booking.end_datetime}} | |
event_chain_id | {{booking.event_chain_id}} | |
external_cal_id | {{booking.external_cal_id}} | Returns the ID belonging to the corresponding external calendar item created in relation to the booking. e.g. Exchange Event. Example: “grer375BhNbBcZXLKfkDoQ==” Currently only populated for Exchange Online connections. |
full_describe | {{booking.full_describe}} | |
ical_link | {{booking.ical_link}} | A Link to the booking's i-cal file |
is_cancelled | {{booking.is_cancelled}} | |
listed_duration | {{booking.listed_duration}} | |
location date | {{booking.location_date}} | Returns the date in the timezone at the location of the booking **This tag is useful when you just want the bookings date/time in the location time zone rather than adjusted by the booking timezone like slot.date_time which differs based on the method of the appointment. |
location full date** | {{booking.location_full_date}} | Returns the full date in the timezone at the location of the booking |
location time** | {{booking.location_time}} | Returns the time in the timezone at the location of the booking |
location describe time** | {{booking.location_describe_time}} | Returns the time in the timezone at the location of the booking |
marked_absent_time | {{booking.marked_absent_time}} | Customer marked as no show |
member_id | {{booking.member_id}} | |
min_cancellation_time | {{booking.min_cancellation_time}} | |
mobile | {{}} | |
multi_status | {{booking.multi_status}} | |
notes | {{booking.notes}} | |
on_waitlist | {{booking.on_waitlist}} | |
paid | {{booking.paid}} | |
people_ids | {{booking.people_ids}} | |
person_id | {{booking.person_id}} | |
person_name | {{booking.person_name}} | |
price | {{booking.price}} | |
private_note | {{booking.private_note}} | |
pre_time | {{booking.pre_time}} | |
post_time | {{booking.post_time}} | |
purchase_id | {{booking.purchase_id}} | |
purchase_ref | {{booking.purchase_ref}} | |
quantity | {{booking.quantity}} | |
questions | {{booking.questions}} | |
questions & answers | {{booking.booking_answers_and_questions_full}} | Returns a Hash object of the booking questions and answers Example {"What is your date of birth?"=> "6-May-1919", "How tall are you?"=> "173cm"} |
queue_id | {{booking.queue_id}} | |
queue_name | {{booking.queue_name}} | |
queue_url | {{booking.queue_url}} | Returns the URL for the queue Example:* https://{{host}}/queue_status/yYgdKvMhKiiOg9vEMDAxMzI%3D ** |
resource_id | {{booking.resource_id}} | |
resource_name | {{booking.resource_name}} | |
service_id | {{booking.service_id}} | |
service_name | {{booking.service_name}} | |
serving_start_time | {{booking.serving_start_time}} | Booking marked as completed |
serving_finish_time | {{booking.serving_finish_time}} | Booking marked as completed |
slot_id | {{booking.slot_id}} | |
slot_settings | {{booking.slot_settings}} | |
status | {{booking.status}} | |
s_status | {{booking.s_status}} | String description of the booking status |
survey_answers_summary | {{booking.survey_answers_summary}} | |
ticket_name | {{booking.ticket_name}} | |
time_zone | {{booking.time_zone}} | |
updated_at | {{booking.updated_at}} | |
user_id | {{booking.user_id}} | |
property | {{booking.slug_property}} | A direct access to the answer to booking question by it's slug name |
additional_attendees | {% for attendee in booking.additional_attendees %} | Loop around any additional attendees |
additional_people | {% for person in booking.additional_people %} | Loop around the additional staff assigned to the booking |
additional_resources | {% for resource in booking.additional_resources %} | Loop around the additional resources assigned to this booking |
address | {{}} | Link to the Address Object |
all_people | {% for person in booking.all_people %} | Loop around all staff assigned to the booking |
all_resources | {% for resource in booking.all_resources %} | Loop around the all Resources assigned to this booking |
app | {{}} | Link to a Custom Object belonging to an app |
client | {{}} | Link to the Client Object |
company | {{}} | Link to the Company Object |
conversation | {% for message in booking.conversation %} | Loop around the conversation messages |
event_chain | {{booking.eventchain._property}} | Link to the Event Chain Object |
item | {{}} | Link to the Purchase Item Object |
member | {{}} | Returns the Member object associated with the space i.e. {{}} |
order | {{}} | Link to the Order Object |
person | {{}} | Link to the Primary Person Object |
questions | {% for space_detail in booking.booking_question_and_answer_objects %} {{"question: "|append:| append: "\n" | append: "answer: "| append: space_detail.answer_to_question| append: "\n\n"}} {% endfor %} | Returns a formatted list of booking questions and answers. Example What is your date of birth?: 6-May-1919 How tall are you?: 173cm |
resource | {{}} | Link to the Primary Resource Object |
service | {{}} | Link to the Service Object |
slot | {{}} | Returns the Slot object associated with the space i.e. {{}} |
Updated about 1 year ago